Jerry Sandusky taking stand in bid to overturn conviction

Jan 17, 2007
BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) -- Jerry Sandusky plans to take the stand at an appeals hearing in a fresh chance to prove his claim he was wrongly convicted four years ago of sexually abusing 10 boys.

The former Penn State assistant football coach had no comment Friday as he was taken into Centre County Courthouse for the start of a hearing that aims to overturn his 45-count conviction.

The 72-year-old is arguing he wasn't properly represented by his legal team during his 2012 trial.

Among the issues that Sandusky is expected to address is his decision not to testify on his own behalf at trial.

He's also arguing his case was tainted by the prosecutor's closing argument, a decision to have him give a TV interview after his arrest and news reports about the secret grand jury investigation before it concluded.

Although he didn't testify at trial, Sandusky did speak during his sentencing three months later, denying he committed ''these alleged disgusting acts'' and hoping that ''something good will come out of this.''

''I've forgiven; I've been forgiven,'' he said at sentencing. ''I've comforted others; I've been comforted. I've been kissed by dogs; I've been bit by dogs. I've conformed; I've also been different. I've been me. I've been loved; I've been hated.''

He testified by video link during a January 2014 hearing about his ultimately successful effort to have his $4,900-a-month pension reinstated.

In a filing this week, his attorneys said Sandusky will describe conversations with his lawyers concerning the identity of the young man called Victim 2 in court records and about allegations of abuse made at the time of trial - but outside court - by his adopted son Matt Sandusky.

Sandusky, his lawyers wrote, ''will testify regarding each accuser and deny that he committed the crimes alleged.''

Eight young men testified at trial that they were abused by Sandusky, who spent decades at Penn State under head coach Joe Paterno before his retirement in 1999.

Sandusky founded a charity for at-risk children where prosecutors say he recruited victims.

''Mr. Sandusky will submit that he did not start The Second Mile in order to groom victims,'' his lawyers wrote. ''He will testify regarding how often the accusers would stay at his home and if they stayed with other children.''

A spokesman for the attorney general's office said prosecutors consider Sandusky's post-conviction claims to be meritless and are ready for his testimony.
Sandusky previously lost direct appeals to the state's Supreme and Superior courts. The Friday hearing falls under the state's Post-Conviction Relief Act and is confined to newly discovered evidence, constitutional violations and ineffective lawyering.

The hearing is expected to continue on Aug. 22 and Aug. 23. If Sandusky is successful, his charges could be dismissed, but that's less likely than the chance the judge could order a new trial.

Sandusky is serving 30 to 60 years in Greene State Prison, where he's been largely segregated from the prison's general population.
Jan 17, 2007
Fuk this POS ..

thought he would be Dead by now, even though he's not in General population

Dec 12, 2006
Brucefan says he's innocent, it's all made up.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Hang the Bastard!

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
Sandusky is serving 30 to 60 years in Greene State Prison, where he's been largely segregated from the prison's general population.

should have to take a daily shower with the most well-endowed rapists on the block

Jan 19, 2005
From everything I have seen and read about this case I believe now that I am 100% sure there was no cover up at Penn State

That's a fairy tale

I'm still waiting for some , ANY actual evidence that implicates Jerry

I believe now that this was a man who had weird boundary issues, and at the very least deserves a new trial

Remember, there is no case if not for this victim


Instead of having a temper tantrum over someone with this point of view

Look at the information yourself

you decide
Sep 21, 2004
From everything I have seen and read about this case I believe now that I am 100% sure there was no cover up at Penn State

That's a fairy tale

I'm still waiting for some , ANY actual evidence that implicates Jerry

I believe now that this was a man who had weird boundary issues, and at the very least deserves a new trial

Remember, there is no case if not for this victim


Instead of having a temper tantrum over someone with this point of view

Look at the information yourself

you decide
Shut up forever.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Sandusky Emphatically Denies He's Guilty of Abusing Boys.

Jerry Sandusky forcefully asserted his innocence and described his own sexual history Friday during an hour of testimony as he seeks to have his child sexual abuse conviction overturned or be granted a new trial.The former Penn State assistant coach was the first witness called in what is scheduled to be a three-day proceeding that focuses largely on whether he received adequate legal representation during his 2012 trial.
He emphatically denied being guilty of sexual abuse and claimed to have never had oral or anal sex with anyone, contradicting victims' trial testimony.
"Absolutely not, that idea is absolutely foreign to me" and "disgusting," said Sandusky, 72, currently serving a 30- to 60-year prison sentence for a 45-count conviction.

Sandusky said he was unfamiliar with criminal court proceedings and relied on his lawyers' advice in waiving a preliminary hearing, not testifying on his own behalf and making other decisions.
He said his lead lawyer at the time, Joe Amendola, told him a preliminary hearing, with testimony from his victims, would add to the public's negative perception of him. But he lost a chance to get more information about the prosecution's case and force witnesses to make on-the-record statements they might contradict at trial.

He was out on $250,000 bail and there were concerns prosecutors might seek a higher amount if he did not waive the hearing.
Asked Friday if he understood what was occurring, he responded: "not totally."
"I know a lot more now," he said. "I couldn't tell you at that point in time the significance of it and what it meant."
Another major topic during the hearing was an interview Sandusky gave to NBC's Bob Costas shortly after his arrest. Sandusky said the plan had been for Amendola to go to New York for the interview, but after he arrived there he decided it would be better to have Sandusky call in and assert his innocence.

Sandusky said he was unprepared and caught off guard when Costas asked if he was sexually attracted to children. He responded: "Sexually attracted, you know, I enjoy young people. I love to be around them. But no, I'm not sexually attracted to young boys."
He was "absolutely surprised," Sandusky testified Friday. "I didn't expect anything that happened. I was not in a good emotional state."
Amendola testified Friday that he told Sandusky beforehand he did not have to answer every question but did not warn him his words could be used against him at trial, as later occurred.

"Never in the world did I anticipate that kind of response," Amendola said.
During the trial, Amendola told jurors in his opening statement that they would hear from Sandusky. But he testified Friday that he warned Sandusky that taking the stand could be perilous after Sandusky's adopted son Matt alleged to investigators midway through the trial that Sandusky had abused him.
Amendola said Sandusky might have then said something that would allow prosecutors to call Matt Sandusky as a rebuttal witness, a risky move that Amendola described as ultimately Sandusky's decision.

But Sandusky testified: "I was a novice and I assumed that Mr. Amendola was the expert on this and that I would take his advice. If he had given me any indication whatsoever that I should testify I would have testified."
The hearing also delved into questions about the identity of the young man known as Victim 2, who former Penn State graduate assistant Mike McQueary testified was abused by Sandusky in a team shower in 2001. A man who claims to be Victim 2 has settled with Penn State, but did not testify.
Amendola said Victim 2 first met with his investigators before trial and said Sandusky did nothing wrong, then hired a civil lawyer and made an abuse claim.
"When he changed his story it raised a lot of questions in my mind ... to the point where he was useless to use," Amendola said.

Eight young men testified at trial that they were abused as children by Sandusky, who spent decades at Penn State under head coach Joe Paterno before his retirement in 1999.
Sandusky previously lost direct appeals to the state's Supreme and Superior courts. The hearing is scheduled for two more days, Aug. 22 and Aug. 23.

Jan 19, 2005
Shut up forever.

I see you have completed your thorough review of the case

what's your thoughts on many of Aaron Fishers friends going on record ( and most of his hometown off record) saying there is no way he was abused and he is lying ?

New member
Nov 6, 2007
I see you have completed your thorough review of the case

what's your thoughts on many of Aaron Fishers friends going on record ( and most of his hometown off record) saying there is no way he was abused and he is lying ?

10 boys testified....fucking 10! Not to mention the other witnesses who SAW him doing it. The one that came to Paterno...and on and on and on. You are a fucking disgrace.

Jan 19, 2005
10 boys testified....fucking 10! Not to mention the other witnesses who SAW him doing it. The one that came to Paterno...and on and on and on. You are a fucking disgrace.

it really is an amazing case . It shows why no one will speak out . They get attacked personally .

like I said, you have about 5% of the information and your very confident you know everything

you are wrong, you know very little

Good piece on the " guy who went to Paterno " in 1976

this is is the craziest. One of all!

the truth will come out one day, and let's hope that statue goes back where it belongs, and Joe gets properly honored for the great man and coach he was

New member
May 13, 2016
Brucefan, YOU are part of the problem. You should be disgusted with yourself. Sick.

New member
Nov 6, 2007
it really is an amazing case . It shows why no one will speak out . They get attacked personally .

like I said, you have about 5% of the information and your very confident you know everything

you are wrong, you know very little

Good piece on the " guy who went to Paterno " in 1976

this is is the craziest. One of all!

the truth will come out one day, and let's hope that statue goes back where it belongs, and Joe gets properly honored for the great man and coach he was

So Mcquerry (spelling) just made everything up? Idiot

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